In a world so big and bright,
With colors shining day and night,
Each of us is special, true,
With our own unique hue.

Love is what makes us strong,
In every heart, it belongs.
No one should feel sad or small,
For being who they are at all.

Friends come in all shapes and sizes,
With different dreams and surprises.
It's our differences that make us great,
A rainbow of love we celebrate.

So let's spread kindness far and wide,
With open hearts, let's show our pride.
More love is what the world needs,
In all its forms, in all our deeds.

Remember, you are beautiful, too,
Just for being wonderfully you.
Together, we make the world bright,
With love and joy, let's shine our light.
The End.
I adore the visuals of the stories. They are bright and detailed and simply beautiful!